2011 Sweet Cuppin Cakes Juried Contests is Coming! There will be 12 contests and 60 chosen Jury Members Original jury contest retro artwork can be seen at Sugar and Meringue Blog.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Your masterpiece!

Like any good artist, perfection of your finished masterpiece lies in the tools used. If you have ventured to find out how to make your Kerry Bear Contestant you most probably have found a plethora of tools and advice. Keep it simple and use quality.

As with any new endeavor start slowly or else you will set yourself to raise your own bar too high and self discouragement can and is our number reason for not doing something at all.

The beginning is just that, the beginning. Along the course of this contest several bits of knowledge and advice can be shared through contestants on this forum, with the use of the comment section. Kerry and I are hoping to see a flurry of activity as this is meant to be fun and informative bringing a collective of artists together.
You will be surprised how each art venue can introduce tools and methods that help along the other like one hand washes the other so to speak.

What you should have:
Your edible medium in preferred colours etc
corn flour
a sharp knife
a baller tool
a paintbrush
a fondant rolling pin
a small round cutter
small sharp scissors

With this in hand all should go smoothly. Keep your work area neat and organized and have a few resealable plastic bags. Here is a peak at one bear that inspired me to have this contest! Inspired by Michelle Cakes, more on the artist later!

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